Woman with injured leg from accident

Can I Sue a Driver’s Trucking Company After an Accident?

If a driver is involved in an accident with a semi-truck, there most likely will be many questions that will cross their mind afterward. How severe are the injuries of others involved? Who was at fault for the accident? And if the injured driver is not at fault for the accident — what potential options do they have to sue the truck driver or the trucking company?

When Is It Possible to Sue a Trucking Company?

It is common for an injured driver to file a personal injury lawsuit against a negligent semi-truck driver. On the other hand, the trucking company may not always be held liable. That’s because a trucking company may only be sued if the accident was caused by the negligence of one of its drivers and no other conditions caused the accident. If the crash resulted from another factor, such as poor road conditions or mechanical problems with the truck, the company might not be held liable.

Benefits of Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit

Before filing a lawsuit, a driver may consider whether or not it’s worth going through the process. However, there are many benefits such as a driver recovering damages for their injuries, lost wages, and other expenses. Filing a lawsuit can also help hold the trucking company accountable for its actions and prevent future accidents from happening.

Contact The Roth Firm, LLC

Drivers should remember that suing a trucking company can be complicated. Evidence will need to be gathered to support the claim and prove that the company was at fault for the accident. If a driver is unsure about whether or not they have a case, it is best to speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer who can assess the situation and advise about the best course of action.

If you were involved in an accident with a truck, don’t hesitate to contact The Roth Firm, LLC to discuss your case. Our experienced personal injury attorneys will be able to guide you through the process of filing a lawsuit and work hard for the best outcome possible. Contact our dedicated team online or by phone. (404) 777-4899
